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PCBA Tech - About PCBA-SMT chip professional manufacturer production


PCBA Tech - About PCBA-SMT chip professional manufacturer production

About PCBA-SMT chip professional manufacturer production


SMT patch refers to the abbreviation of a series of technological processes that are processed on the basis of PCB. PCB (Printed Circuit Board) is a printed circuit board. SMT is surface mount technology (Surface Mounted Technology) (abbreviation of Surface Mounted Technology), which is a popular technology and process in the electronic assembly industry. Electronic circuit surface mount technology (Surface Mount Technology, SMT), called surface mount or surface mount technology. It is a kind of surface assembly components with no leads or short leads (SMC/SMD for short, chip components in Chinese) mounted on the surface of a printed circuit board (Printed Circuit Board, PCB) or the surface of other substrates. Circuit assembly technology in which reflow soldering or dip soldering is used for soldering and assembly. Under normal circumstances, the electronic products we use are designed by PCB plus various capacitors, resistors and other electronic components according to the designed circuit diagram, so all kinds of electrical appliances need various smt chip processing techniques to process.

pcb board

The advantages of smt chip processing: high assembly density, small size and light weight of electronic products. The volume and weight of chip components are only about 1/10 of that of traditional plug-in components. Generally, after SMT is adopted, the volume of electronic products is reduced by 40%~60 %, the weight is reduced by 60%~80%. High reliability and strong anti-vibration ability. The defect rate of solder joints is low. Good high frequency characteristics. Reduce electromagnetic and radio frequency interference. It is easy to realize automation and improve production efficiency. Reduce costs by 30%~50%. Save materials, energy, equipment, manpower, time, etc. It is precisely because of the complexity of the process flow of smt patch processing that there have been many smt patch processing factories, specializing in smt patch processing, thanks to the vigorous development of the electronics industry, smt patch processing has made an industry Prosperity.

Single-sided mixed assembly process incoming inspection => PCB's A-side silk screen solder paste (point patch glue) => patch => drying (curing) => reflow soldering => cleaning => plug-in => wave soldering => Cleaning=>Inspection=>Rework double-sided mixed assembly process A: Incoming inspection=>PCB's B-side point patch glue=>SMD=>curing=>turnover=>PCB's A-side plug-in=>wave soldering= >Cleaning=>Inspection=>Rework, paste first, insert later, suitable for SMD components more than separate components B: Incoming inspection=>PCB A side plug-in (pin bend)=>Flip board=>PCB B Pastry patch glue => patch => curing => flipping => wave soldering => cleaning => inspection => rework, insert first and then paste, suitable for situations where there are more separate components than SMD components C: incoming inspection = >PCB A side silk screen solder paste => SMD => drying => reflow soldering => plug-in. Pin bending => flipping board => PCB's B surface point patch glue => patching => curing => flipping board => wave soldering => cleaning => inspection => return.