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PCB Technical - Features board of PCB surface mount tool

PCB Technical

PCB Technical - Features board of PCB surface mount tool

Features board of PCB surface mount tool


A, Features of PCB surface mount tool

High assembly density, small size and light weight of electronic products. The volume and weight of patch components are only about 1/10 of that of traditional plug-in components. Generally, after surface mounting is adopted, the volume of electronic products is reduced by 40% to 60%, and the weight is reduced by 60%. %~80%.

High reliability and strong anti-vibration ability. The defect rate of solder joints is low. Good high frequency characteristics. Reduce electromagnetic and radio frequency interference.

It is easy to realize automation and improve production efficiency. Reduce costs by 30%~50%. Save materials, energy, equipment, manpower, time, etc.

Why use surface mount technology (SMT)

pcb board

PCB products are pursuing miniaturization, and the previously used perforated plug-in components can no longer be reduced

PCB products have more complete functions, and the integrated circuits (integrated circuits) used no longer have perforated components, especially large-scale, high-integrated integrated circuits have to use surface mount components

Mass production of products and automation of production. The factory must produce high-quality products with low cost and high output to meet customer needs and strengthen market competitiveness.

The development of PCB components, the development of integrated circuits (integrated circuits), the multiple applications of semiconductor materials

Surface mount chip

B, . Purchase selective soldering wave soldering equipment

1. size

What size printed circuit board (PCB) do you need to handle? In addition to a single PCB, you should also consider whether you need two or more panels to increase productivity and cost-effectiveness. What size of "scrap" or frame does the machine need to process around the PCB? Does the pallet need to be fixed in place by the production department? All these options will increase the overall size of the PCB that the machine needs to handle.

2. Floor area

How much floor area do you have? Depending on the configuration, the length of the selective welding machine can vary from about one meter to several meters. It is also necessary to consider the handling and storage of the circuit boards around the machine, because the filled PCB needs to be carefully loaded and unloaded before and after soldering.

3. Machine maintenance

The maintenance cost of a selective welding machine is relatively low, but this may be a consideration, for example, if you want to run the welding machine automatically throughout the production shift without manual intervention. Some systems require more frequent maintenance for best results, so please choose the right machine for you.

4. Solder can

How many solder pots do you need? For example, you may want to use lead-containing and lead-free solder to set up your machine to minimize changeover time between jobs. Or, you may want two or more pads in the system to help maximize throughput.

5. Welding nozzle

What size and type of solder nozzle might you need? Although these options are usually quick and easy to convert, limiting the number of options will increase throughput and cost. Smaller or longer nozzles get good access between parts, while larger nozzles are usually better for faster welding. From the diameter of 1.5 mm to the largest diameter, there are a series of amazing possibilities.

6. Nitrogen supply

Selective soldering requires high-purity nitrogen. Depending on the usage of the machine and any site restrictions, a nitrogen generator supplied by compressed air may be better than an external storage tank.

7. Throughput

This system usually provides flux at the beginning of the process, but in the case of a long soldering process, it may be necessary to reconsider the flux at a later stage.

8. Warm up

A typical system can provide top and bottom heating for the PCB after and before soldering. If the heat generated by the soldering process is insufficient, especially if you have multiple soldering or soldering stages, you may need to consider further heating according to different PCB components.

9. Printed circuit board and assembly processing

The system can be loaded and unloaded manually, or it can be designed in the following way. For longer automatic runs, adding a circuit board stacker during the input and output stages may be the most effective, or if the PCB needs to load components in parallel with the soldering process, a conveyor may be better.

10. Optional additional content

The system usually has many additional functions, which are optional in some functions and standard in others. For example, the ability to identify, measure, and compensate for bending or deformation in a PCB may or may not be useful.


Do you want to change the configuration of the machine in the future? For example, adding more solder joints, flux or preheating? If so, a modular system may be more appropriate than a single system.

Shenzhen Longgang SMT chip processing: Therefore, at first glance, this seems to be a very simple process of specifying and ordering capital equipment. Many things need to be considered to ensure that you get the right machine for your business. Although some of the answers above may be easy to answer, many people will not and may need to do a lot of experimentation to determine the best system for your needs.

The electronic technology revolution is imperative, chasing the international trend

Why apply a no-clean process in surface mount technology? The waste water discharged after product cleaning in the PCB production process causes pollution of water quality, the earth, and even animals and plants.

In addition to water cleaning, organic solvents (HCFCs and HCFCs) containing chlorofluorohydrogen are used for cleaning, which also pollutes and destroys the air and atmosphere.

The residue of cleaning agent on the board will cause corrosion, which will seriously affect the quality of the product.

Reduce cleaning process operation and machine maintenance costs.

No-cleaning can reduce the damage caused by the assembly board (polychlorinated biphenyl) during the moving and cleaning process. There are still some components that cannot be cleaned.

The flux residue has been controlled and can be used in accordance with the product appearance requirements to avoid the problem of visual inspection of the clean state.

The residual flux has been continuously improved its electrical performance to avoid leakage of the finished product and cause any damage.The PCB no-clean process has passed many international safety tests, proving that the chemicals in the flux are stable and non-corrosive.