точная сборка PCB, высокочастотная PCB, высокоскоростная PCB, стандартная PCB, многослойная PCB и PCBA.
Самая надежная фабрика по обслуживанию печатных плат и печатных плат.
Технология PCB

Технология PCB - Производство печатных плат, отвечающих требованиям по отсутствию галогенов

Технология PCB

Технология PCB - Производство печатных плат, отвечающих требованиям по отсутствию галогенов

Производство печатных плат, отвечающих требованиям по отсутствию галогенов


1 Preface

With the increasing demand for environmental protection in the world, растущая обеспокоенность по поводу галогенов. по требованиям iec61249 - 2 - 21, максимальное содержание галогена в электронных сварочных материалах, Информация о смолах и повышении свойств галогенных смол печатная плата is determined, Halogen free has become another green revolution of electronic profession since the implementation of RoHS Directive on July 1, 2006.

2 What does halogen mean

Electronic waste containing bromine and chlorinated compounds and plastic products contain halogen flame retardants and PVC. When these products are discarded and burned, they are prone to produce harmful substances dioxin and acid gas (HCl), Она разрушает окружающую среду и здоровье человека за счет биоаккумуляции. The United Nations World Environmental program has listed them as persistent organic pollutants. Halides are widely used in печатная плата, solder masks, molding compounds, connectors, and other common electronic products. For example, огнестойкий состав печатная плата, среди них наибольшую обеспокоенность вызывает токсичность ПБД и ПБДЭ. Many by-products, including dioxins and furan like compounds, as well as acidic or corrosive gases, occur in печатная плата and electronic products containing halogen under incomplete combustion, потенциальная опасность для окружающей среды и здоровья человека. В настоящее время большинство электрических и коммуникационных кабелей содержат галогены, which emit toxic aerosols when burned. In case of fire, the acid gas generated by cable burning will damage people's nose, mouth and throat, and the smoke is also easy to make people lose their way and difficult to escape from the fire scene. Therefore, EU ROHS regulations prohibit the use of PBB and PBDE in печатная плата. Now some people try to restrict the use of all halogen-containing materials in electronic devices. They believe that when burning electronic devices, bromination data will generate highly toxic dioxins. They asked to stop the use of halogenated data beyond RoHS's rule of restricting only PBB and PBDE. Halogen free may become another green revolution in the electronic profession since the implementation of RoHS (restriction on hazardous substances) directive on July 1, 2006. Compared with the damage caused by halides, the damage caused by six harmful substances (Pb, компакт диск, Hg, Cr6 + and PBDE, PBB) restricted by ROHS directive is more shocking. одновременно, lead will directly damage the nervous system; Cadmium can damage bone, kidney and respiratory system; Mercury can damage the central nervous system and kidney system; Hexavalent chromium will cause genetic defects; PBDE and PBBs are highly carcinogenic and teratogenic substances. From lead-free, Вместо "ROHS" читать "HOLA", to the POHS directive in Norway, which requires the prohibition of the use of 18 kinds of harmful substances, the increasingly stringent environmental requirements for information can not only significantly reduce the environmental pollution caused by electronic products, также эффективно охранять наше здоровье.

устранение рыночных факторов галогена:

1) вопросы окружающей среды и здравоохранения

(2) Some brominated flame retardants are indeed toxic (polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers)

(3) Many brominated flame retardants are structurally similar to known toxic печатная платаs

(4) It stimulates the prevention of all brominated flame retardants

(5) Toxic and by-products caused by termination of product life and combustion treatment

(6) Dioxin formation by incomplete combustion of halogen

(7) Room temperature combustion of discarded electrical appliances is prevalent all over the world

(8) Environmental arrangements for brominated flame retardants

(9) Driven by environmental arrangements, OEMs are seeking halogen-free solutions and extending this requirement to the entire supply chain.

(10) Major OEM announcements to eliminate bromide

Apple: elimination of PVC and BFRs at the end of 2008

Dell: eliminating brominated flame retardants in 2009

HP: elimination of PVC and BFRs in 2009

при сжигании хлорированных углеводов образуется небольшое количество диоксинов и фуранов. Согласно данным о пожарах, уровни фуранов и диоксинов не оказывают существенного воздействия на здоровье человека.

печатная плата

печатная плата

"положения о галогенах и их содержании"

согласно различным промышленным нормам, допустимое содержание галогена в Броме составляет 900 ppm, допустимое содержание галогена в хлоре - 900 ppm, а максимальный общий уровень галогена - 1500 ppm.

IPC low halogen electronic specification working group 4-33a & JEDEC jc14 Committee: it is necessary for all печатная плата базовый материал должен удовлетворять требованиям к низкогалогеновому брому и хлору, установленным в инструкции ipc - 4101b. сейчас RoHS II пересматривается. галогены из многих источников, as well as the minimum limit effect of low level halogen content on the environment, most institutions adopt the content level regulated by the international Electrochemical Commission (IEC) as the requirement for their final installed products.

5 Detection and analysis of non halogenation

In order to prove that the materials used for печатная плата do not contain halogen, it is necessary for the manufacturer to carry out combustion test, затем использовать ионную хроматографию для определения галогенных элементов. данные о бромированных активаторах разлагаются в процессе горения. In these data, the atoms in the bromide are covalently bonded to form bromide molecules at room temperature.

(1)prEN 14582 Characterication of waste “ Halogen and sulfur content “ Oxygen combustion in closed systems and determination method

method A (Calorimetric bomb method)

method B (Schoniger flask combustion method)

(2) IEC 61189-2 test method is used for electronic data, печатная плата доска, interconnection structure and assembly parts. Application of Part 2 test 2C12 test method to interconnected structural components


(4)IPC TM-650 (Number2.3.41)

6 Challenges and opportunities for halogen free process

для наших китайских предприятий, пока мы отвечаем на вызовы, нет шансов, потому что мы вынуждены соблюдать правила.

Мы должны учиться в среде, свободной от свинца, безгалогенная серия экологических движений, to arouse our vigilance. We managed to deal with lead-free, and soon halogen-free came into being. если мы справимся печатная плата the past without halogenation, there will soon be a new movement that we don't expect. Потому что суть этого движения - "сдержать", and there are various means to achieve this intention. для удовлетворения спроса, we can always find a reason to make a fuss. The reason why Europe and the United States dare to do so is to see the weakness of "R & D vacancy" commonly existing in Chinese enterprises, beat you, но не дать тебе силы дать отпор, either knocked down or forced to block.