точная сборка PCB, высокочастотная PCB, высокоскоростная PCB, стандартная PCB, многослойная PCB и PCBA.
Самая надежная фабрика по обслуживанию печатных плат и печатных плат.
Технология PCB

Технология PCB - метод испытания вспомогательных материалов на раздавливание эластичных плат

Технология PCB

Технология PCB - метод испытания вспомогательных материалов на раздавливание эластичных плат

метод испытания вспомогательных материалов на раздавливание эластичных плат


Testing method of flexible circuit board pressing auxiliary material

Silicon aluminum foil auxiliary material test:
Appearance inspection: smooth and clean surface, без трещин, щель, частица, bubbles, игла и примесь.
толщина: микрометрическое измерение, производить измерение в пять баллов, чтение и запись данных.
размер: измеряется линейкой или рулеткой, взять две равные стороны для измерения, чтение и запись данных.
Temperature resistance: The silicon aluminum foil is continuously heated for temperature resistance test (temperature: 185°C; pre-pressing: 10S; molding time: 120S; pressure 100kg/cm2 for continuous operation for 5-7 days), не допускать хрупкости.
Silicone oil precipitation: the silicon-aluminum foil is continuously heated for temperature resistance test (temperature: 185 degree Celsius; pre-press: 10S; molding time: 120S; pressure 100kg/cm2 for continuous operation for 5-7 days), do not allow silicon-aluminum foil silicon oil to separate.

Glass fiber cloth auxiliary material test:
Appearance inspection: The surface is smooth and clean, без морщин, щель, частица and foreign impurities.
толщина: микрометрическое измерение, производить измерение в пять баллов, чтение и запись данных.
размер: измеряется линейкой или рулеткой, взять две равные стороны для измерения, чтение и запись данных.
Temperature resistance: The glass fiber cloth is heated continuously for temperature resistance test (temperature: 185 degree Celsius; pre-pressing: 10S; molding time: 120S; pressure 100kg/cm2 for continuous operation for 5-7 days), no brittleness is allowed.

метод испытания вспомогательных материалов на раздавливание эластичных плат

Burned iron plate auxiliary material test:
Appearance inspection: smooth and clean surface, без трещин, cracks, частица, bubbles, игла и примесь.
Thickness: Micrometer measurement, производить измерение в пять баллов, чтение и запись данных.
размер: измеряется линейкой или рулеткой, взять две равные стороны для измерения, чтение и запись данных.
Temperature resistance: The burnt iron plate is heated continuously for temperature resistance test (temperature: 185 degree Celsius; pre-compression: 10S; molding time: 120S; pressure 100kg/cm2 for continuous operation for 5-7 days), no brittleness is allowed.
Silicone oil precipitation: continuous heating of the burning iron plate for temperature resistance test (temperature: 185 degree Celsius; pre-compression: 10S; molding time: 120S; pressure 100kg/cm2 continuous operation for 5-7 days), горючие листовые силиконовые масла не допускают осаждения.

Green silica gel auxiliary material test:
Appearance inspection: smooth and clean surface, без трещин, cracks, частица, bubbles, игла и примесь.
Thickness: Micrometer measurement, производить измерение в пять баллов, read the data and record.
размер: измеряется линейкой или рулеткой, take two equal sides to measure, read the data and record.
Temperature resistance: The green silica gel is continuously heated for temperature resistance test (temperature: 185 degree Celsius; pre-pressing: 10S; molding time: 120S; pressure 100kg/cm2 for continuous operation for 5-7 days), no brittleness is allowed.
Silicone oil precipitation: continuous heating of the green silica gel for temperature resistance test (temperature: 185 degree Celsius; pre-compression: 10S; during molding
Room: 120S; pressure 100kg/cm2 continuous operation for 5-7 days), не давать зеленый силиконовый осадок.

TPX auxiliary material test:
Appearance inspection: The surface is smooth and clean, without wrinkles, cracks, зерно и примесь.
Thickness: Micrometer measurement, производить измерение в пять баллов, read the data and record.
размер: измеряется линейкой или рулеткой, take two equal sides to measure, read the data and record.
Temperature resistance: TPX is continuously heated for temperature resistance test (temperature: 200°C; pre-pressure: 10S; molding time: 180S; pressure 120kg/cm2 for continuous operation 10-20 times), no brittleness is allowed.
Silicone oil precipitation: press the copper foil with the sample TPX (temperature: 180 degree Celsius; preheating time: 10S; molding time: 180S; pressure: 100kg/cm2), press continuously for 10 to 20 times and then go through pretreatment for plating For nickel test, наблюдение в 10 - кратном Лупе после никелирования, and no copper exposure is allowed.

Auxiliary material test of release film:
Appearance inspection: smooth and clean surface, без трещин, cracks, particles, bubbles, игла и примесь.
Thickness: Micrometer measurement, take five points for measurement, read the data and record.
Size: Measure with a ruler or tape measure, take two equal sides to measure, read the data and record.
Temperature resistance: The release film is continuously heated for temperature resistance test (temperature: 200°C; preload: 10S; molding time: 180S; pressure 120kg/cm2 for continuous operation for 5 to 10 times), no brittleness is allowed.
Silicone oil precipitation: press the copper foil with the sample delivery release film (temperature: 180 degree Celsius; preheating time: 10S; molding time: 180S; pressure: 100kg/cm2), press and bond continuously for 3 to 5 times before pre-treatment Carry out the nickel plating test, наблюдение в 10 - кратном Лупе после никелирования, and no copper exposure is allowed.

High temperature resistant tape auxiliary material test:
Appearance inspection: smooth and clean surface, no cracks, cracks, particles, bubbles, игла и примесь.
Thickness: Micrometer measurement, take five points for measurement, read the data and record.
Size: Measure with a ruler or tape measure, take two equal sides to measure, read the data and record.
Temperature resistance: The high temperature resistance tape is continuously heated for temperature resistance test (temperature: 200°C; pre-pressing: 10S; molding time: 180S; pressure 120kg/cm2 for continuous operation for 10-20 times), no brittleness is allowed.

Ipcb - это высокая точность, Производители высококачественных PCB, such as: isola 370hr PCB, высокочастотный PCB, high-speed PCB, основа интегральной схемы, ic test board, импедансная печатная плата, HDI PCB, жёсткий PCB, buried blind PCB, высококачественная печатная плата,микроволновая плата, telfon PCB and other ipcb are good at PCB manufacturing.