
PCB部落格 - 印刷電路板複印板的清洗科技


PCB部落格 - 印刷電路板複印板的清洗科技



我們都知道, p 印刷電路板 清潔科技在PCB複製中起著非常重要的作用. 因為有必要確保電路板本身的清潔度,以準確掃描和生成檔案地圖, 電路板的清潔科技也已成為一項重要的“科技活動”. 王高功, 傑多邦工程師, 主要總結了當前的科技. 介紹了新一代電路板清洗科技的四種方法.

1 Water cleaning technology for PCB copy board
Water cleaning technology is the development direction of cleaning technology in the future, 必須建立純淨水源和汙水處理車間. 它使用水作為清洗介質, 並添加表面活性劑, 添加劑, 緩蝕劑, 螯合劑, 等. 以水為基礎形成一系列水性清洗劑. 可以去除水溶劑和非極性污染物. Its cleaning process features are:
(1) Good safety, 不易燃, 非爆炸性, basically non-toxic;
(2.) The formulation of the cleaning agent has a large degree of freedom, 而且很容易清除極性和非極性污染物, and the cleaning range is wide;
(3.) Multiple cleaning mechanisms. 水是極性强的極性溶劑. 除了溶解, 它還具有皂化的聯合作用, 乳化, 取代, 色散, 等. The use of ultrasound is much more effective than in organic solvents;
(4.) As a natural solvent, 其價格相對較低,應用廣泛.


The disadvantages of water cleaning are:
(1) In areas where water resources are scarce, 因為這種清洗方法需要消耗大量的水資源, it is limited by local natural conditions;
(2) Some components cannot be cleaned with water, and metal parts are easy to rust;
(3) The surface tension is large, 很難清理小間隙, and it is difficult to completely remove the residual surfactant;
(4) It is difficult to dry and consumes a lot of energy;
(5) The equipment cost is high, 需要廢水處理裝置, 設備占地面積大.

2. Semi-water cleaning technology of PCB copy board
Semi-aqueous cleaning mainly uses organic solvents and deionized water, 外加一定量的活性劑和添加劑. 這種清洗介於溶劑清洗和水清洗之間. 這些清潔劑都是有機溶劑, 哪些是易燃溶劑, 閃點較高,毒性較低, 使用相對安全, 但必須用水沖洗,然後晾乾. 一些清洗劑添加5%-20%的水和少量表面活性劑, 這不僅降低了易燃性, 但也使沖洗更容易. The characteristics of the semi-aqueous cleaning process are:
(1) The cleaning ability is relatively strong, 它可以同時去除極性污染物和非極性污染物, and the cleaning ability is durable;
(2) Two different media are used for cleaning and rinsing, and pure water is generally used for rinsing;
(3) Dry after rinsing. 該科技的缺點是廢液和廢水的處理是一個相對複雜且尚未完全解决的問題.

3. No-clean technology for PCB copy board
No-clean flux or no-clean solder paste is used in the soldering process. 焊接後, 直接進入下一道工序,無需清洗. 無清潔科技是一種替代科技,現時使用頻率更高, 特別是移動通信產品. 替代ODS的清洗方法. 現時, 國內外已開發出多種無清潔助焊劑, 比如北京晶瑩公司的無潔焊劑. No-clean fluxes can be roughly divided into three categories:
(1) Rosin-type flux: use inert rosin solder (RMA) for reflow soldering, 這是可以免除的.
(2) Water-soluble flux: wash with water after welding.
(3) Low solid content flux: no cleaning. 無清潔科技具有簡化工藝流程的優點, 節省製造成本,減少污染. 非清潔焊接技術的廣泛使用, 在過去的十年裏,無清潔助焊劑和無清潔錫膏是20世紀末電子行業的一個主要特徵. 取代氟氯化碳的最終方法是實現無清潔.

4. Solvent cleaning technology for PCB copy board
Solvent cleaning mainly uses the solvency of the solvent to remove contaminants. 使用溶劑清洗, 由於其揮發快,溶解能力强, 設備要求很簡單. 根據選擇的清洗劑, 可分為易燃清洗劑和不易燃清洗劑. The former mainly includes organic hydrocarbons and 醇類 (such as organic hydrocarbons, alcohols, 乙二醇酯, 等.), and the latter mainly includes chlorine Substituted hydrocarbons and fluorohydrocarbons (such as HCFC and HFC), 等.

氟氯烴清洗劑及其清洗工藝特點:這是一種蒸發潛熱低的含氫氟氯烴, 良好的波動性, 在大氣中容易分解, 對臭氧層的破壞作用相對較小. 這是一個過渡產品. 規定將在2040年前逐步淘汰, 囙此,我們不建議使用這種清洗劑. 主要有兩個問題:一是過渡. 因為它對臭氧層有破壞性影響, 它只允許使用到2040年. 第二, 價格比較高, 清洗能力弱, 這新增了清潔成本.

氯代碳氫化合物,如二氯甲烷, 3氯乙烷, 等. 也是非ODS清潔劑. Its cleaning process features are:
(1) The ability to clean oily dirt is particularly strong;
(2) Like ODS cleaning agent, it can also be washed with steam and dried in vapor phase;
(3) The cleaning agent is non-flammable, non-explosive and safe to use;
(4) The cleaning agent can be recovered by distillation and used repeatedly, which is more economical;
(5) The cleaning process is also the same as that of ODS cleaning agent. 然而, 它的缺點是:第一, 氯代烴的毒性相對較高, 囙此,應特別注意工作場所的安全問題; 第二, 氯化烴與一般塑膠和橡膠的相容性較差; 第3, 氯化烴在穩定性方面是穩定的. 相對較差, 使用時必須添加穩定劑.

碳氫化合物清洗工藝特點:碳氫化合物是碳氫化合物, 過去,通過原油蒸餾獲得的汽油和煤油被用作清潔劑. 碳氫化合物的閃點隨碳數的新增而新增, 這新增了安全性, 但乾燥不好; 乾燥良好, 但使用起來不安全, 所以這兩者是非常衝突的. 當然, 作為清潔劑, 你應該儘量選擇防火效能好、閃點高的清潔劑. Its cleaning process features are:
(1) It has strong cleaning ability for oily dirt, 强大的清潔能力和耐用性, 和低表面張力, and has good cleaning effect on fine slits and pores;
(2) No corrosion to metals;
(3) It can be recovered by distillation and used repeatedly, which is more economical;
(4) Low toxicity and less environmental pollution;
(5) The same medium can be used for cleaning and rinsing, 使用方便. 碳氫化合物清洗過程的缺點主要是安全問題, 這需要嚴格的安全措施.

在酒精中, 乙醇和异丙醇是工業中常用的有機極性溶劑. 甲醇毒性更大,通常僅用作添加劑. The characteristics of alcohol cleaning process are:
(1) It has good dissolving ability to ionic pollutants, 松香助焊劑的清洗效果很好, but the dissolving ability to grease is weak;
(2) Good compatibility with metal 材料 and plastics, no corrosion and expansion;
(3) Fast drying, 易於乾燥或空氣乾燥, no need to use hot air;
(4) Good dehydration, 常用作脫水劑. 醇基清洗劑的主要問題是高揮發性, 低閃點, 易於燃燒. Explosion-proof measures must be taken for 印刷電路板 清潔設備和輔助設備.