
PCB科技 - 如何處理PCB板工藝負片變形


PCB科技 - 如何處理PCB板工藝負片變形



用於PCB複製板, 稍不小心可能會導致底板變形. 如果沒有改善, 這將影響PCB複製板的質量和效能. 如果直接丟棄, 這會造成成本. 關於損失. Here are
some ways to correct the deformation of the bottom plate.


1. Splicing method
For graphics with simple lines, 大線寬和間距, 和不規則變形, 剪掉底片的變形部分, 根據鑽孔測試板的孔位置重新鑽孔, 然後複製它們. 當然, this is for
deformed lines. 易於理解的, 大線寬和間距, 以及不規則變形的圖形; 它不適用於高線密度、線寬和間距小於0的負片.2毫米. 拼接時, you need to pay as little as possible to
damage the wires and not the pads. 拼接複製後修改版本時, 注意連接關係的正確性. This method is suitable for the film that is not too densely packed and the film deformation
of each layer is inconsistent. 該效果對於多層板的阻焊膜和電源層的膜的校正尤其明顯.

2. 印刷電路板 copy board to change the hole position method
Under the condition of mastering the operating technology of the digital programming instrument, 首先比較底片和鑽孔測試板, 分別量測並記錄鑽孔測試板的長度和寬度, and
then use the digital programming instrument according to its length and width. 變形的大小, 調整孔位置, 並調整調整後的鑽孔測試板,以適應變形的負片. The advantage of this method is
that it eliminates the cumbersome work of editing negatives, 並且可以確保圖形的完整性和質量. The disadvantage is that the correction of the negative film with very serious local deformation and uneven deformation is not
effective. 使用此方法, 您必須首先掌握數位程式設計儀器的操作. 使用程式設計儀器延長或縮短孔位置後, the out-of-tolerance hole position should be reset to
ensure the performance. 該方法適用於校正線條密集的底片或每層底片均勻變形的底片.

3. Pad overlap method
Enlarge the holes on the test board into pads to overlap and deform the circuit piece to ensure the technical requirements of the ring width. 重疊複製後, 墊子是橢圓的, 重疊複製後, 直線和圓盤邊緣暈和變形.
如果用戶對PCB板的外觀有非常嚴格的要求, 請小心使用. 該方法適用於線寬和間距大於0的膠片.30毫米, 而且圖案線條也不太密集.

4. Photography
Just use the camera to enlarge or reduce the deformed graphics. 正常地, 薄膜損耗相對較高, 需要多次調試才能獲得滿意的電路圖. The focus should be accurate when taking pictures to
prevent the lines from being deformed. 該方法僅適用於銀鹽膜, 當試板不方便再次鑽孔且薄膜在長度和寬度方向上的變形率相同時,可以使用.

5. Hanging method
In view of the physical phenomenon that the negative film changes with the environmental temperature and humidity, 複印前從密封袋中取出, 並在工作環境條件下懸掛4-8小時, so that the
negative film has been deformed before copying. 複製後, 變形的可能性很小. 對於已變形的膠片, 需要採取的其他措施. Because the negative film will change with the change of
environmental temperature and humidity, 掛底片時, 確保懸掛場所的濕度和溫度與工作場所一致, and it needs to be in a ventilated and dark environment to
prevent the negative film from being contaminated. 此方法適用於未變形的負片, 還可以防止底片在複印後變形.