
PCB科技 - 柔性電路板的優缺點


PCB科技 - 柔性電路板的優缺點



1., Disadvantages of FPC:

(1) High initial cost at one time
Since soft PCB is designed and manufactured for special application, 電路設計成本, 接線和照相底片高. 除非有特殊需要應用軟PCB, 最好不要在少量應用中使用它.

(2) It is difficult to change and repair soft PCB
Once the soft PCB is made, 更改必須從基礎圖形或燈光圖形程式開始, 所以改變並不容易. 其表面覆蓋一層保護膜, 應在維修前拆除,維修後恢復, 這是一項相對困難的工作.

(3) Limited size
Soft PCB is usually manufactured by batch process, 囙此,由於生產設備的大小,它不能製作得很長很寬.

(4) Improper operation is easy to damage
Improper operation of the assembly personnel may cause damage to the soft circuit


2, Advantages of FPC:
Flexible printed circuit board (FPCB) is a kind of printed circuit board made of flexible insulating substrate. It has many advantages that hard printed circuit board does not have

(1) It can be bent, 自由纏繞和折疊, 按空間佈局要求佈置, 並且可以在3維空間中自由移動和拉伸, so as to achieve the integration of component assembly and wire connection;

(2) The volume and weight of electronic products can be greatly reduced by using FPC, 適合電子產品向高密度方向發展, 小型化和高可靠性. 因此, 柔性線路板在航空航太領域有著廣泛的應用, 軍事的, 移動通信, 可擕式電腦, 電腦周邊設備, 掌上型電腦, digital cameras and other fields or products;

(3) FPC also has the advantages of good heat dissipation and solderability, 易於組裝,綜合成本低. 軟硬結合的設計也在一定程度上彌補了柔性基底在構件承載力上的輕微不足.
